Saturday, December 27, 2008

Around the house in Cairo

Hi All,

I thought I'd show some pictures of us in our flat in Cairo. It has three bedrooms, two baths, and a big living/dining room. We've added carpets and nice light fixtures since some of these pictures were taken, but you'll get the idea.

The troops are getting jazzed up on pop- a rare commodity at our house.

They're such fun- they play really nicely together, and are each other's best friends. It's really nice to see.

Buddy is feeding our kitten. She is about the ugliest cat in all of Cairo. Gabe found her on the street, and couldn't just leave her there. (If you ask him, it was all Alaina's idea, but we were there, and we know the truth.) She took a speedy trip to the vet for shots, deworming, and a checkup. With a clean bill of health, Cuddly Nemesis joined the family. (The naming was a war between Gabe-Leyla and Alaina-Nael. G-L team wanted "Evil Nemesis" and A-N were rooting for "Cuddly Sweetheart". In the end, compromise was reached and a peace treaty involved a combination of the names.)

Here are Leyla and Can on the back porch. We have a fenced in yard, and the gardens behind our house are amazing year-round. You can't see the flowers in this picture for some reason, but it is simply dripping with tropical flowers. Georgous.
Alaina- a self-portrait.


.. said...
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Danielle Brunin said...

Assalamu alaikum,

Oh Allison, your flat is just gorgeous. You are all glowing! I am so happy for you. I'll send you a message on Facebook, but write soon and let me know how you are doing!



Jaded_gal05 said...


You should get the death penalty for not sending her back to her father and most likely selling her to some old Muslim man.

You’re a horrible person and a bad mother, no blog post could ever erase the wrongs you’ve done.