Thursday, February 5, 2009

School Pictures

Our school went on a field trip to a nearby art farm, where they did various projects. I got some nice pictures.

This is Sermiane, my assistant teacher. She is so great. The kids love her, and so do I.
This is the whole school, including some parents. There are lots of kids absent, but you get the idea. We're really small. This is Leyla and her buddy, Abdul Aziz. He's about the sweetest kid. He's also in love with Leyla. It's cute. A terrible picture of me, but the kids look cute. Eating lunch with their friends.


marella foreva said...

Nael is soooooo cute...
so does layla.
give my great hug for them.
where do you guys live right now?

miss you all,

.. said...
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